
The Bitbucket publish target allows you to publish your artifacts directly to Bitbucket where users will be able to download them.

This publish target is for Bitbucket Cloud only and will not work with self hosted Bitbucket Server instances.


npm install --save-dev @electron-forge/publisher-bitbucket


To use @electron-forge/publisher-bitbucket, add it to the publishers array in your Forge configuration:

module.exports = {
  // ...
  publishers: [
      name: '@electron-forge/publisher-bitbucket',
      config: {
        repository: {
          owner: 'myusername',
          name: 'myreponame'
        auth: {
          username: process.env.BITBUCKET_USERNAME, // string
          appPassword: process.env.BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD // string

Full configuration options are documented in PublisherBitbucketConfig.

Your artifacts can be found under the Downloads tab of your Bitbucket repository.

Last updated